Designing Impactful Reports in Power BI (Free Webinar)


Sep. 27th - 9AM - 10:00AM PST (Check Local Time)

Sep. 27th - 2PM - 3PM PST (Check Local Time)

This one hour webinar is a glimpse into my training which covers essential design principles and the necessary features available to build impactful reports in Power BI Desktop, and then share in the Power BI Service.

To join the webinar please signup for my blog using the subscribe button on the left. If you are already subscribed, please visit my contact and support page. Just provide me the email you used for the subscription signup, and I’ll provide you the access code and details to join the webinar.

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Consulting & Training

We provide many consulting services related to Power BI or Excel reporting. Including everything from Data Acquisition with Power QueryData Modeling, or Visualization & Design.

Our services range from customized co-development, to structured training depending on the client's needs.

Articles & Videos

We also have numerous articles, videos, and other content we publish multiple times a month on various media platforms.

Many of these articles showcase great practices, techniques, or other important information related to Power BI or Excel.