YouTube Analytics Report

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YouTube Analytics Report


Provides a detailed report built off YouTube Analytics data. Allowing for a deep dive analysis on video views, hours watched, revenue, likes, dislikes, shares, and comments. Advanced Metrics such as forecasting, adjustable rolling average, month-over-month traffic gain/loss, performance since publish date, top ranked videos, and more.

This report utilizes a custom YouTube connector built by Miguel Lopez (Powered Solutions). In order to refresh this file with your YouTube account data, you’ll need to download Miguel’s custom connector and add that to Power BI Desktop. Instructions can be found here. Once you’ve installed the connector, then you can refresh this file, and it’ll be populated with your data. Depending on the size of your data, the initial load may take some time due to the speed of the Google Analytics API. On average, it can load about 35,000 rows a minute.

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